Black Breastfeeding Week

By: admin
Black Breastfeeding Week
What is it, and why it’s important?
What is Black breastfeeding week?
Black breastfeeding week occurs every August 25th – August 31st. It is a campaign created by Black women for Black women to empower, educate, advocate and celebrate per This week was inspired by a want to acknowledge the Black woman’s breastfeeding experience positively and has taken place over the last nine years.
Too often, the negative aspects of Black women and the lack of breastfeeding are a focal point. So every year, this week is highlighted to bring awareness to the gap in breastfeeding rates among Black women while encouraging improvement and diversity.
With the right resources and support from the right individuals, Black women can significantly increase their breastfeeding practices.
Why is this important?
Not only is breastfeeding a pertinent part of bonding mother and baby, but it is also key to preserving the health of both mother and baby. Breastfeeding helps babies fight illnesses. Breastmilk aids as an immunity booster, and amid the COVID-19 crisis, it is preserving health.
According to, an increase in breastfeeding among Black mothers can reduce the infant mortality rate by 50%. Unfortunately, COVID-19’s impact still did not close the racial disparities gap as many Black Americans have fallen victim to its grip. However, we have to remain optimistic that the pandemic will end sooner than later and improve statistics.
Black women and babies deserve the same chance at life as others, and with weeks full of awareness and empowerment, we are one step closer.
*Warning, any information in this app is from non-medical professionals and serves purely for advice purposes. Please consult with your doctor for any medical advice.